Campaign Live

Don’t blame digital for Brexit


A passionate player in the digital industry, our Director of Strategy Anna Soisalo counters Andy Pemberton’s recent commentary in Campaign Live that the British people’s vote on Brexit was a vote against digital.

In a country that is more divided now than ever, Anna explains that digital increases and encourages collaboration, regardless of the vote. With a focus on the sharing and collaborative aspects, digital will help shape our future and place people at the center of what we do.

Digital leads to new business models, and within any revolution, including industrial, internet, or digital disruption, traditional business models have been forced to adapt: “– look at car manufacturers like Ford investigating ride sharing services.”

Anna notes that an EU membership enabled the sharing of scientific research and funding, but that digital also brings tremendous value to areas like research and alternatives such as personalization in healthcare for ordinary consumers.

Read on for Anna’s full perspective at

Jul 2016