
Creating iconic autonomous cars for baby boomers and digital natives


As baby boomers and digital natives become key influencers in the emerging revolution of the driverless car, design is playing a bigger role in mobility as a service and ultimately, autonomous mobility. Strategy Director, Nate Giraitis, highlights several ways designers are looking to solve for these important buyers in the autonomous market.

With boomers long established as an economic force, and digital natives surpassing them as America’s largest generational segment, these two markets are firm targets of automakers today. From designing private and shared autonomous vehicles, to thinking about universal UX appeal, there is value in a truly revolutionary autonomous car design.

Vehicles that combine the latest technology with the solid public service usability, but also accommodate personalized profiles, moods and preferences of passengers will appeal to both demanding ends of the age spectrum with equal emphasis. Focusing more on the philosophy of universal design will help designers better solve for high expectations of the future driverless car market. Read on at wardsauto.com.

Nate Giraitis will also appear on a panel at the upcoming WardsAuto UX Conference in October: What are people really going to do in autonomous cars?


Aug 2017