My Customer

How airlines can bring digital experiences to life


Shaped on the ground by digital innovation pioneers including Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon, consumers’ digital expectations are high, and airlines haven’t been able to meet them. Digital disruption presents a clear, new opportunity for airlines to leverage technological innovations and differentiate themselves with great in-flight digital experience.

London-based VP of Design, Heather Martin, was featured in My Customer on how airlines can bring digital experiences to life. By being quick to offer new digital experiences, investing in more experimental offerings, and looking outside of the industry to uncover new revenue, airlines will uncover opportunities to transform passengers’ expectations of their brand.

“To anticipate and meet customers’ expectations in the future, airlines need to develop great digital experiences. At Smart Design, we believe that when markets become commoditized, customer experience is the differentiator.”

Even companies outside the airline industry are facing stiff competition and looking to become more design driven. Ford is just one example: Smart worked closely with them in piloting new mobility initiatives, including the Ford Dynamic Shuttle Service.

Visit My Customer to read the full article.

Feb 2017