Huffington Post:

Marketing to women? How to get it right


US Women control about 70-80% of household purchases – everything from cars to clothes. Although not the most obvious subject for a case study in successful gender-based marketing, we recently worked with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, and spoke with millennial women to learn about their attitudes and perceptions about birth control, specifically two perfectly good products – the IUD and the Implant.

Design Director, Stephanie Yung, uncovers 4 key do’s and don’ts on how to engage millennial women on deeply personal issues. An organization facing challenges somewhat common to FMCG brands, our approach with the National Campaign was to take the insights derived from a human-centered design approach and blend them with aspects of marketing that are best suited to delivering a successful outcome. Through this approach, we formed the basis of the Whoops Proof Birth Control consumer campaign

Stephanie helps brands create deep empathy and positive change, and is a design advocate for social impact and women’s issues. To read more on Stephanie’s perspective of designing for women, click here.

To read the full article in the Huffington Post, click here.

Nov 2017