From “good” to “OMG!”: How Interaction Design can supercharge your customer’s everyday experiences
When it comes to your own life, you’re an amazing interaction designer.
Be honest: Are you really improving your customer’s experience? Or are you pushing another agenda?
One of the reasons why the travel insurance prompt doesn’t work is because it’s about pushing the company’s agenda first and improving the customer experience second…or not at all, come to think of it. Great IxD incorporates Human-Centered Design (HCD), where you put the user at the center of a holistic innovation process. Putting the focus on what they want and need, instead of what the company wants to sell.
Clients often come to us because they’re unsure of what their customers behaviors are. And you can’t design the experience if you don’t understand the behaviors of the people you’re designing for. Our strategic team starts by exploring how they use a product or service. To do so, we help clients to ask themselves questions like: What do people need? Where are the gaps in what they need? What do we need to design to meet that need?
We’re all great at designing our own experiences. Designing for others takes a more strategic approach. To guide us, Smarties use a whole bunch of principles in our work. Here are three of our favorites.
Three principles of “OMG!” interactions
Make it personal (Hick’s Law): Reduce the time it takes your customers to make decisions by giving them fewer, more personalized, choices.
Make it harder (Poka-Yoke): Reduce errors by using constraints.
Make it harder…and easier (yes, seriously)
Make it easier too (Fitt’s Law): Enable your customers to reach their goal by bringing it within reach.
The OMG roadmap: a cross-discipline approach that drives ongoing results
About Sophia Xu